General Papers
Proceeding of iCOMERA: "Innovative research in Engineering for The 21st Century" | |
Cover, Editorial Board, Preface, Table of Content |
Logistic Management Information System of Dairy Cow Farming in Boyolali Regency | |
Johan Bhimo Sukoco, Luluk Fauziah, Suwandi Suwandi, Jatmika Prajayastanda, Anida Kurnia Umami |
Designing KPI for Fruit Processing SMEs using Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model | |
Rahmi Yuniarti, Wifqi Azlia, Rheza Adnandy |
Measurement Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Satisfaction of E-Commerce Using Usability Evaluation | |
Adhi Paramartha, Micro Fortwonatus, Djoko Budiyanto Setyohadi |
Determining the Size of Prayer Mat Based on the Functional Anthropometry for Javanese University Students in Bangkalan | |
Mahrus Khoirul Umami, Ilham Defriono, Imron Kuswandi |
The Fatigue Characteristic of Machinist and Machinist Assistant (Jakarta and Lampung) | |
Sevty Auliani, Hardianto Iridiastadi, Merrie Setyaning Rahayu |
Digital Marketing Application for Marketing at Naruna Ceramic Studio | |
Regina Claudia Alvira, P. W. Anggoro, Y. Suharyanti, O.K.W. Widyanarka, Roy Wibisono |
Raw Material Management Information System Design Case Study at Batik SMEs | |
Naniek Utami Handayani, Diana Puspitasari, Danica Virlianda Marsha, Yusuf Widharto |
The Development of Selecting and Scheduling Advertising Model (Paid-Promoting) on Instagram User Account | |
Aldhila Isti Nuswandari, Ahmad Rusdiansyah |
Fatigue in Air Traffic Controller: The work-related factors | |
Vivi Triyanti, Hastian Abdul Azis, Yudha Prasetyawan, Hardianto Iridiastadi, Yassierli Yassierli |
Safety and Health Analysis of Work Operator Racket Production Process using the Method Hierarchy of Control | |
Qomariyatus Sholihah, Wahyudi Kuncoro, Imam Luthfansa, Sisilia Puni Suwandi |
Forecasting Technology Trends Based on Separation of Product Inventions and Process Inventions: The Dominant Design | |
Koji Masuda, Shigeyuki Haruyama |
Effect of Work Safety and Health Training on Knowledge Levels and Risk of Work Accidents | |
Qomariyatus Sholihah, Wahyudi Kuncoro, Sisilia Puni Suwandi, Imam Luthfansa |
A Study on Factors in the Innovation Process that Changed with the Growth of Japan's Niche Top Companies | |
Kojiro Fujiyama, Koji Masuda, Shigeyuki Haruyama |