International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application, The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application

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Designing KPI for Fruit Processing SMEs using Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model
Rahmi Yuniarti, Wifqi Azlia, Rheza Adnandy

Last modified: 2021-03-10


The competitive pressure in the business world makes organizations or companies to payattention to the details of the implemented strategies. But before competing with competitors, acompany need to know its performance. There were several problems faced by a Fruit Processing SMEs. In ordering raw materials, the company found a mismatch in the amount of raw materials thatmeet specifications in several times. In production activities, there was problem regarding the amount of production that was not on the target. In the product distribution activities to retailers, the problemthat occurred was the delay in sending products to retailers. Then, there was a large number of products returned. Therefore, it is necessary to have a comprehensive performance measurementsystem from upstream to downstream for each product of the fruit processing SMEs. Before conducting performance measurement on a Fruit Processing SMEs, Key Performance Indicator (KPI)design is needed. Based on KPI determination using Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model, there were 40 KPIs that the company will use in measuring its performance.


Supply Chain Management; SCOR; KPI

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