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Safety and Health Analysis of Work Operator Racket Production Process using the Method Hierarchy of Control
Last modified: 2021-03-10
Racket Central small and medium enterprises (SME) is SME that produces badmintonrackets in Malang City. As a SME engaged in the production process, of course, it is never free fromthe risk of work accidents. The occupational health and safety system in SME is still felt to be lacking and there are frequent workaccidents. The method used in this study is the Hierarchy of Controlmethod. The data collected by interview and direct observation. Hierarchy of Control is used to control the work of operators so that the risk of work accidents will decrease. There are twopotential dangers that can occur in this SME, that is, the operator can fall due to the large amount of material scattered on the floor and the operator can potentially be overwritten by cardboardcontaining raw materials and ready-made racket ties. Therefore, it is necessary to control risk and work safety management to protect workers from the causes of work accidents.
Hierarchy of Control; Risk; Work Accident; Work Safety Management; OHS
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