Last modified: 2021-03-10
Boyolali Regency is one of largest cow milk producers in Indonesia, accounting for 72% ofmilk need in Central Java, and 20% of national milk need. To optimize this production, Boyolali Regencyconstructed logistic management information system, called Sistem Monitoring Sapi (SIMAPI, English: Cow Monitoring System) in 2018. This system is inputted through labeling barcode on the milk cow’sear, in which the users can scan the barcode to find out the cow’s identity and health history. Thi s research studied logistic management information system of milk cow breeding in Boyolali Regency,viewed from 3 (three) components in management information system, according to Jogiyanto (2010): input component, model component, and output component. This research was a descriptivequalitative research. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and document analysis. The informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data validation wascarried out using method triangulation technique, while technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis. The result of research showed that SIMAPI was hindered by input, inwhich the quantity of targeted cow registered is more than that in the field. It is because the prevalence of dairy cow farmers switching to beef cattle farmers. In addition, there is asynchronybetween data input and output displayed.