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Determining the Size of Prayer Mat Based on the Functional Anthropometry for Javanese University Students in Bangkalan
Last modified: 2021-03-10
Every Muslim individual has an obligation to pray five times a day. He/ she can do the ritualat a mosque, a prayer room, and some private areas. A place with a comfortable and an appropriatespace would make individual performing the prayer well. Considering that most individual use a prayer mat during the ritual, this study aimed to identify an appropriate size of the prayer mat forJavanese students at the University of Trunojyo Madura (UTM) based on their functional anthropometry. Two hundred students (90 males) involved in the study. Seven postures of theprayers motions, namely: body height in standing posture (BHS), shoulder breadth (SB), foot length (FL), buttock to the top of the head in a bowing posture (BTHP), tip of foot finger to the top of thehead (TFHP), elbow to elbow distance during prostrating (EEDP) and the maximum width during tawarruk sitting (the final sitting) (MWTS), were selected in the measurements phase. The posturesperformed by participants should conform to the right posture as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Results of the current study indicate a significant difference in the included dimensionsbetween the male and female groups, except on the maximum width during the tawarruk sitting.This finding implies to the different size on the prayer mat, especially on its length. It also indicates the need of different space between the lines during a congregational prayer.
Prayer Mat; Functional Anthropometry; Congregational Prayer
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